We're often two to three years behind our own internal compass.
At least this is my take on the situation. My informal research started on this topic about 10 years ago. While I listened to team members, clients, leaders, friends, and even strangers, they all reported some what of the same thing - they all knew well in advance that it was time to shift. Maybe it was to do that thing they really wanted to do, or leave the company, start a company, or start laying out "the plan", but they all stopped for a lot of different reasons and decided not to do anything. So, time passed (about 2 to 3 years), and then something would happen. An event would seemingly force them to make the change. I heard talk about how they were laid off, fired, their employer went through a reorg or out of business. Maybe a leader they enjoyed working with left the company, or a "solid" relationship changed, maybe their role changed, or a health crisis.
No matter, something happened.
Their reasons for not moving forward? Some flavor of: time, money, capacity, and fear.
Are You Following Your Own Guidance System?
When I talked to those people, who were all on the other side of the change, they all remembered noticing something was amiss, internally and externally.
Externally, maybe their role wasn’t a fit for them anymore, or the organization was experiencing contraction versus expansion. Maybe the values were shifting at the company or maybe there was always value misalignment, and they were just ready to look at it now. Maybe they were always the outlier, the challenging voice, the voice of reason, the trouble maker. Maybe there was too much group think or not enough contrarian points of view. Maybe they recognized the person who was in charge was not really who was in charge. Maybe there was less diversity and no efforts to change. Maybe they saw that profits covered a lot of the "sin" - sin in leadership, processes, practices, policies. Whatever the reason, something was changing or stagnate.
As for the internal environment, people reported that their inspiration had waned, felt like they were playing way too small, or that there had to be more than "this." I heard that their internal direction was less clear or maybe they had accomplished exactly what they set out to do but fulfillment just was really different than what they had expected it would be. Maybe it’s was something as simple as an idea kept haunting them. Or maybe the money was way too good.
All their stories had the same theme and timing- they got a sense that something needed to change, the flow of thing were off, and they decided to stay right where they were. Until 2-3 years later they had to make the change.
Yet, the internal wisdom was there for each one of them. They each sensed something.
What Code Do You Live By?
Acting on your own best behalf?
It's happening to me versus for me?
Living with the default future?
I have a code of life I live by - the universe is always conspiring in my favor. What I know to be true about this code is that I can say to the universe "hard pass" on that "change" right now or digging into what that feeling is signaling to me. And what I know for sure is the universe will say "no problem", yet will circle back around and the ante will absolutely get raised. By ante I mean the cost of the "hard pass" will have a penalty. I've been in that place more times than I care to count. Each of those times when I "passed' it inevitably cost me in some way - more money, more time, my health, my mental well-being, relationships, compromised my values, unnecessary stress and strain on myself and often others.
There is a cost to passing on the invitation to grow.
There is a cost to playing small.
We Are Equipped With A Cape.
There is a great line in a song by Guy Clark called The Cape. You don't need to read the lyrics to image what this song is all about. A young person is trying to figure out life by taking risks. Ultimately, he trusts his cape - a superpower - and dives into life knowing it's all a leap of faith.
That superpower - the cape - is what is speaking to you when the universe comes calling.
Have You Been In That Place Before?
Maybe you're there right now? You've sensed something was changing but told the universe "pass" or just blew it off all together? Has the universe circled back around, yet? Did your ante get raised? What was the cost of that decision?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you think you're getting nudged for upcoming change...AKA playing big with your cape...
How am I relating to my current work? Is it fulfilling? Am I challenged?
What are my values? Are they aligned with what my organization values?
Am I getting done what I came here to do? You know what I mean...in this LIFE...your one precious life. Thanks Mary Oliver.
What sets me on fire? Am I doing this work in some way?
What are my top priorities?
Am I moving towards opportunities versus running away from them?
Do my goals feel a little scary?
If you need a sounding board to sort through the questions, or identify your cape, reach out.
PO Box 480212 Kansas City, MO 64148
All Rights Reserved | Leslie B Anderson